Consumers Preferences towards FMCG Products: A study in Mysore City

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Dr. H. M. Chandrashekar

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Published: 27 July 2020 | Article Type :


Indian FMCG sector is the fourth largest sector in the economy with an estimated size of Rs.1,300 billion. Characterized by strong MNC presence, well established distribution network, intense competition between the organized and unorganized players and low operational cost. Easy availability of important raw materials, cheaper labor costs and presence across the entire value chain gives India a competitive advantage. Penetration level and per capita consumption in many product categories is very low compared to world average standards representing the unexploited market potential. Mushrooming Indian population, particularly the middle class and the rural segments, presents the huge untapped opportunity to FMCG players. Over the three decades marketers have moved from mass market to dynamic market. During times of traditional marketing consumers were passive in nature. But in the changed business environment of economic liberalization, intense competition, crowding of goods and services, exacting demand for better quality and customer delight, enlightened and informed consumers etc., marketers have moved from the traditional marketing to a responsive and sensitive marketing process which calls for more than developing a marketing mix . The real marketing begins when offering is transferred to the consumer. The sector has shown an average annual growth of about 11% per annum over the last decade. Unlike the developed markets, which are prominently dominated by few large players, India’s FMCG market is highly fragmented and a considerable part of the market comprises of unorganized players selling unbranded and unpackaged products. There are approximately 12-13 million retail stores in India, out of which 9 million are FMCG stores. An attempt is made in this paper to analyze the consumers preferences towards FMCD product such as MAGGI products in Mysore city.

Keywords: FMCG, MAGGI, Consumers preferences, Marketing preferences.

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How to Cite


Dr. H. M. Chandrashekar. (2020-07-27). "Consumers Preferences towards FMCG Products: A study in Mysore City." *Volume 3*, 2, 1-9